In 2012, I studied abroad for (theoretically) two semesters (in fact, it was half a year in total), from June to December. The first two months I spent in Singapore at the Nanyang Technological University, and after a spell of vacationing all over southeast Asia (in Singapore, Thailand, Cambodia and Malaysia, to be precise), I started my "proper" semester abroad at the Beijing Institute of Technology. See below for more detailed writeups.
Studying abroad in China
Studying abroad in China In China, I studied as a regular exchange student for a full semester. I enrolled at the Beijing Institute of Technology for the winter term 2012 from September to December. At the BIT, I attended an Artificial Intelligence lecture, a Computer Graphics lecture as well as an intensive chinese course. Campus and Accomodation The BIT is a campus university as well, so everything you need is is reachable with a 15-minute walk. In fact, the campus is rather small (Wikipedia tells me there are some satellite campuses further away from the city center, but I didn't visit those), and a 20 minute walk takes you from one end to the other. In the center of the campus, there's the gymnasium with lots of volleyball fields, football fields and the like. The gymnasium was in fact used for the 2008 summer olympics and the paralympics (only volleyball and goalball, but still). I however didn't use the gymnasium, so I can't provide any insight on their quality. ...