Generating Clojure Native Images with GraalVM and clj-nix

I’ve been building a little project with Clojure to automatically switch my IKEA Trådfri lights when I start playing a video and restoring them when I pause. I’m lazy, I know. I used Clojure because it’s fun, and I like to use fun languages when not writing code for money. Also, there’s a good CoAPS library available for Java, which is a big plus, as many other languages don’t have support for CoAPS, which is CoAP + TLS....

September 5, 2023

Useful utility shell scripts

I've written some useful shell scripts during my time with Linux (which is coming up on 20 years now). I'm posting them here as a) a reminder to myself and b) because they might be useful for other people. In contrast to Stupid ZSH tricks, these are written in Bash to work more universally. ...

November 10, 2021